30+ Countries, 100+ LED Finished Lighting Factory Choice
Our products are exported to many countries & areas,such as Russia ,Spain, Korea,Pakistan,Thailand, Japan, Denmark, South Africa, United Kingdom, The USA, Australia, Canada, and so on.
Spanje Parcela Road Light Project
Ons voorsien Spaanse kliënte van gietende straatlamp aluminium dop en bykomstighede,
It is then assembled in the local factory in Spain and sent to the local engineering project customer,Finally installed on both sides of the Spanish road
Koreaanse kliënte ontvang straatlamphuise
Provide the Die-Casting Housing Producing Design, Aluminum Heatsink Dissipation to Korea Clients
This are new led street light housing that mold design by customer
Thailand Highbay Light Project
Hoëbaai-ligprojek in die stadion in 'n skool in Bangkok, Thailand.
Ons voorsien klante van gegote skulpe, kragbronne, koelbakke, glasdeksels, en kliënte monteer self